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My Summary of Art 2016



:damphyr: MY FIRST TIME DOING THIS. It is like the first year I have drawn enough shit in order to fill all the blanks lmaaoooo. As terrible as 2016 may have been to all of us, for me it has been incredible art-wise. Honestly. First of all, I have drawn so much. There is like 30+ more completed drawings than last year, and I have sketched stuff at least twice as much. Realising that makes me feel so productive lol! And there has been unusually many pictures with actual backgrounds. So productivity points from that also. ;>
Other big (for me, huge) thing is that at the end of this year I finally figured out how to draw humans and actually found my courage and determination to practice them more. For so so long I have felt so bad for only drawing canines. As if my art didn't matter or that my skills had no value bc I couldn't draw humans. Of course my rational side knows it is not true, but that mindset has been fed to me for so so long by my parents and some "more skilled" artists in my life, that I eventually started to believe it. AGH. But I'm finally overcoming this issue. :heart:

Then some smaller things I also consider as achievement. I had the courage to take the challenge and try to draw bones in my latest piece, and succeeded. And I have figured out Photoshop soooo much more this year, which had improved the quality of my art and given me confidence!! And of course I have figured out my own style and canine anatomy so much better. ´u`AH. At times (especially during the Summer and this Fall) I have had periods of intense hatred towards my art and style, but I have overcome it every time and I'm certain it has improved and taught me more.

Guys, this is a huge thing. For the first time in 6 years I'm actually daring to even think of a career related to art. First time in 6. Years. This year has given me so much... :heart:

© incinekaek, featuring original characters from Fujitus, noronori, Pyttinski Smilefacekranaatti and Taikaraita
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© 2016 - 2024 incinekaek
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Taikaraita's avatar

Oon kehunut sut aiemmin jo ihan piloille mutta jaksan vieläkin hehkuttaa kuinka paljon oot kehittyny tänä vuonna siis niinku. HUHUH. En tiiä mitä on tapahtunut mutta oon niin hemmetin onnellinen kun oot piirtänyt tänä vuonna niin paljon ja saan jotain sairasta mielihyvää joka kerta kun nään että oot alottanut uuden työn tekemisen heha. Kesästä asti varsinkin tää valmistumistahti on ollut ihan pyörryttävää ja kuva kuvalta huomaa kaiken kehityksen ja ASDFHJ. Kannatan ehdottomasti ideaa että jatkat vielä ihmisten ja luiden piirtämistä, ne on kumminkin selvästi sun juttu ja jostain syystä kaikki sun kuvat missä on kalloja ja luita on mun suurimpia suosikkeja...... Oot Kallo-Kake

Jatka samaan malliin mah dear, oot kyllä niin inspiroiva tyyppi että HUHHUH. ♥